Wednesday 8 September 2021

Yet more chassis parts blasted

Sadly, my old trusty blue vacuum gave up the ghost with a high pitched squeal and dramatically coughed out a dense dust cloud all of the workshop. Damn, me and that suction box go way back! Not one to lament the passing of a domestic appliance, I duly replaced it with something a bit more suitable. Introducing my new dedicated shop vac:

Once everything was hooked up to the cabinet, blasting could finally resume. Here is one of the track rods I disassembled last week getting the royal treatment:

...and a new batch of parts now awaiting an obligatory coat of Mastic 121:

The keenest of observers may notice that most of these parts were previously blasted and painted years ago, but at the time I applied the paint using a 1" decorators brush in the misplaced belief that the paint would self-level to an impeccable finish. Well, it didn't exactly do that and it's been bothering me every time I look at these parts to see all the blatant brush marks. I know these will look far better when sprayed and my mind will be at peace!

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