
Wednesday 6 October 2021

Ultrasonic cleaning and blasting brake parts

Ran the internal components of the rear brake drums through my ultrasonic cleaner (with the exception of the wheel cylinders and shoes, which will be replaced with new items). Used a dilution of UltraFX degreaser to help things along:

This was effective at getting the worst of the loose crud off and allowed me to to assess the serviceability of the individual parts. My conclusion was that most of the components could be reused; the pull-off springs, star adjusters and fasterners were in good order. I remember renewing some parts in yesteryear, so although they may be reasonably old I know that they haven't had that much road use. Other bits with light surface rust could be blasted and repainted as per standard:

Further dismantled the rear axle bearing covers by tapping out the oil seals and washers:

I could then mask the bearing covers in a uniquely 'creative' way; using recycled jar lids and felt-tip pen lids for the perfect fit:

...and gave them a blast along with a few other parts that were looking forlorn:

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