
Wednesday 21 July 2021

Scuttle and under-bonnet stripped and primed

Continuing on from last week's blasting endeavour, I spent many hours ensuring that all the hard-to-access nooks were spotlessly clean (NB: I left a couple of sections of original paint where it was in decent enough condition to remain in place for the time being):

Everything recieved several coats of Zinc galvanising spray for protection. It calms my mind to see less rust on the car!  


  1. Awesome work mate keep it up👍 I am also doing up a 1965 beetle and have used your blog loads for inspiration and information.

    1. Thanks for the comment Superlaws. Good to know that the blog has been useful to other fellow VW restorers. Hope your '65 is a little less rotten than mine, still a long way to go before it is all solid again...

    2. Mine is less work for sure but the rear around the quarter members was completely shot as were the heater channels, major work to put it right but it is worth it. Keep up the good work 👍

    3. Mine is less work for sure but the rear around the quarter members was completely shot as were the heater channels, major work to put it right but it is worth it. Keep up the good work 👍
